Results for 'Review author[S.]: Carine Defoort'

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  1.  30
    Obscurity about clarity: A reply to R. P. Peerenboom.Review author[S.]: Carine Defoort - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):379-385.
  2.  43
    The rational american and the inscrutable oriental as seen from the perspective of a puzzled european: A review (and response) in three stereotypes: A reply to Carine Defoort.Review author[S.]: R. P. Peerenboom - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):368-379.
  3.  79
    Excavated Manuscripts and Political Thought: Cao Feng on Early Chinese Texts: Editor's Introduction.Carine Defoort & Excavated Manuscripts - 2013 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 44 (4):3-9.
    This issue presents the research on early Chinese texts by Cao Feng, a philosophy professor at Tsinghua University. He is an expert in early Chinese political philosophy and philosophy of language found in transmitted and excavated texts. His extensive education in Japan has left him well versed in Japanese sinology. Although a critical researcher in the field of early Chinese thought and a very prolific writer in both Chinese and Japanese, Cao Feng is little known in the West. This issue (...)
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  4.  48
    A Way not to Follow; the Art not to Know. Inspired by Patricia De Martelaere’s Work on Taoism.Carine Defoort - 2015 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 77 (3):515-531.
    Patricia De Martelaere was a Belgian author, philosopher, and practitioner of shadowboxing. She wrote an inspiring little book on Taoism that stresses the physical, energetic, and martial aspects of its practice. This paper elaborates upon three central ideas from her work, turns them into a direction that she did not envision, and applies them to a critical-historical interpretation of the Taoist texts that she elaborates upon: an active way of non-knowing, the awareness of a shared ground, and the intellectual fertility (...)
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  5.  30
    Confucian Concord: Reform, Utopia and Global Teleology in Kang Youwei's Datong Shu by Federico Brusadelli.Carine Defoort - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (2):1-5.
    Confucian Concord: Reform, Utopia and Global Teleology in Kang Youwei's Datong Shu analyses the thought of the late Qing reformer Kang Youwei 康有為. His well-known Datongshu 大同書, conceived in 1884 and finally published in 1935, functions as a prism. The research interest of Federico Brusadelli, Lecturer in Chinese History at the University of Naples L'Orientale, reaches beyond Kang’s thought to the production of histories and their political relevance in the two last centuries. The author presents the Great Concord as an (...)
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  6.  12
    Ethical challenges in residential care facilities during COVID-19: Leaders’ perspective.Anna-Carin Karlsson, Anna-Karin Edberg, Malin Sundström & Annica Backman - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1661-1673.
    Background Person-centred care is based on ethical principles, and it is regarded as high-quality care. Care of older persons should embrace person-centredness. During the pandemic, older persons were highlighted as a vulnerable group at risk of developing serious illness and/or suffering death from COVID-19. Several pandemic-related measures were introduced in residential care facilities (RCFs) to reduce this risk, which influenced the possibilities to lead and provide a person-centred care. Aim This study’s aim was to explore ethical challenges in relation to (...)
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  7. What Happens When One Reads a Classic Text? Seven Observations of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):145-162.
    Up in the last one in the United States comes to understand the general process: it is linguistics and history, and it requires a priori understanding that In order to understand the current situation before, prior to a full understanding effectiveness and bias as understanding the meaning is from whole to part and from part to whole , in the understanding of the history and heritage hermeneutic circle is always in operation, understanding related to the sight of the fusion eventually (...)
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  8. Is there such a thing as chinese philosophy? Arguments of an implicit debate.Carine Defoort - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):393-413.
    The question of whether or not there is such a thing as "Chinese philosophy" is seldom explicitly raised, but the implicit answers to this question--although different in China and the West--dominate institutional and academic decisions. This article not only constructs a typology to recognize, differentiate, and evaluate various answers to this question, but it also takes the sensitivity of this matter seriously by comparing it with one's attachment to something as sensitive, arbitrary, and meaningless as a family name.
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  9. Is "chinese philosophy" a proper name? A response to Rein Raud.Carine Defoort - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):625-660.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is "Chinese Philosophy" a Proper Name?A Response to Rein RaudCarine DefoortIn the preface to his Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy, Hu Shi wrote: "Today, the two main branches of philosophy meet and influence each other. Whether or not in fifty years or one hundred a sort of world philosophy will finally arise cannot yet be ascertained."1 Although uncertain, Hu was still hopeful, since he believed that the (...)
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  10.  19
    Causation in Chinese Philosophy.Carine Defoort - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch & Ronald Bontekoe, A Companion to World Philosophies. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 165–173.
    A cause has traditionally been thought of as that which produces an effect, and in terms of which this effect can be explained or accounted for. However spontaneously we turn to the idea of a cause in daily life, and however inevitable in jurisprudence, in modern science it is generally considered a relic of the past, and in philosophy it remains a topic of inexhaustible controversy. For almost twenty‐five centuries philosophers have been debating the nature of a cause, claiming that (...)
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  11.  35
    Editor's Introduction.Carine Defoort & Ge Zhaoguang - 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 33 (3):3-8.
    During recent decades China has been visited by various "heats": the "Culture Heat" in the mid-1980s, the "Cultural Criticism Heat" in the late 1980s, the "Mao Zedong Heat" in the early 1990s, the "Chinese Traditional Studies Heat" in the late 1990s, and the "Old Three Classes Culture Heat" also in this decade, to name only the most prevalent. It is not always clear when and how a hot topic turns into a "heat," precisely what is burning, and how to handle (...)
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  12.  29
    Christianity in China: the work of Yang Huilin: editor's introduction.Carine Defoort - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 36 (1):3-6.
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  13.  21
    Guodian. Part I: editor's introduction.Carine Defoort - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 32.
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  14. A Homeless Dog: Li Ling's Understanding of Confucius: Editor's Introduction.Carine Defoort - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 41 (2):3-11.
    This issue features translations of the preface, introduction, and six selected chapters from Li Ling's The Real Confucius Is Only Revealed by Stripping Away His Sagehood: Cross-Reading the Analects, a follow-up to his controversial 2007 book A Homeless Dog: My Reading of the Analects.
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  15.  55
    Confucius and the “Rectification of Names”: Hu Shi and the Modern Discourse on Zhengming.Carine Defoort - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (4):613-633.
    The common approach to discussing Confucius’ advocacy of “correction of names” is to join the current academic debate about its meaning, usually in philosophical terms. Rather than joining in, however, this article describes the debate itself as a historically situated discourse largely dating from the early Republican era. I argue that Hu Shi 胡適 played a crucial but largely forgotten role in the creation of this discourse. While the core of the current discourse on zhengming consists of views that can (...)
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  16.  32
    The religious nature of Confucianism in contemporary China's “Cultural Renaissance movement: editor's introduction”.Carine Defoort - 2012 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 44.
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    Outrageously Irrelevant Remarks of a Girl in a Closed Conversation: A Reply to Tim Heysse.Defoort Carine - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1086-1091.
    Imagine: the Western world falls apart under political, financial, and social pressure. One result is that all funding for philosophy is suspended and diverted to STEM courses. Politicians in the U.S. and Europe, along with their voters, declare the whole tradition of philosophy a total fiasco for its inability to prevent the crisis or to show a way out. Because of this lack of funding and respect, philosophy no longer exists as an academic discipline in the mid-twenty-first century, but only (...)
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  18. The importance of Daoism. Part II: editor's introduction.Carine Defoort - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 31 (1):3-6.
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  19.  45
    Response to Wang Bo's Paper.Carine Defoort - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 30 (4):41-43.
    Allow me first to congratulate the speaker for his most interesting talk. His strategy is well taken and convincing: Look at a Zhuangzi chapter that has been largely neglected by philosophers, identify its concerns, and read other Zhuangzi chapters through these concerns, rather than as mere variants of Western "philosophy." The concerns of the chapter "The Human World" lie, first of all, with staying alive when giving political advice or being sent on a diplomatic mission. The art of staying alive (...)
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  20. Orientational Issues in Textual Interpretation: Editor's Introduction to Essays by Liu Xiaogan.Carine Defoort - 2008 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 40 (2):3-6.
  21.  19
    Review: The 'Transcendence' of Tian. [REVIEW]Carine Defoort - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):347 - 368.
  22.  52
    Li Ling: At Home in Homelessness: Editors' Introduction.Bruce Doar & Carine Defoort - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 42 (1-2):3-11.
    The last winter issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought about Li Ling's controversial understanding of Confucius as a "homeless dog" ended with a remark that he himself is in many ways homeless in the academic world. Not only does his own love for Chinese culture clash with the pious proponents of the traditional cultural heritage, but in many other ways, he also lingers in the unhomely gray zones of academia. Simultaneously very much at home—but always on the frontier—in a variety of (...)
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  23.  21
    Review: Recent French Publications in Comparative Philosophy: A Review Essay. [REVIEW]Carine Defoort & Cheryl Wicker-Siegel - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (3):395 - 412.
  24.  42
    Confucius spreekt.Paul van Els & Carine Defoort - 2021 - 2920 Kalmthout, Belgium: Pelckmans.
    This book contains translations of roughly fifty statements attributed to Confucius. Each statement is followed by an explanation and a reflection on how Confucius can continue to inspire, whether it's on the importance of learning or rituals, self-examination and self-improvement, or virtuous leadership.
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  25.  77
    Roger Ames: Confucian Philosopher and Teacher: Editors' Introduction.Henry Rosemont & Carine Defoort - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 41 (3):3-13.
    This issue of Contemporary Chinese Thought presents selected addresses and papers from the first symposium hosted by the newly established Discussion Forum of Confucianism at the Sage's Birthplace, at Nishan, in Sishui county of Shandong province, which took place June 22-26, 2009. The "Symposium Celebrating Roger T. Ames's Scholarship on Confucianism" honored the University of Hawai'i professor of Chinese philosophy as a distinguished scholar and an extraordinary teacher and mentor.
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  26.  51
    Chinese Academic Views on Shang Yang Since the Open-Up-and-Reform Era.Yuri Pines & Carine Defoort - 2016 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 47 (2):59-68.
    ABSTRACTThe Book of Lord Shang attributed to Shang Yang is one of the most controversial products of ideological debates in pre-imperial China. Forty years ago, Li Yu-ning summarized previous rounds of debates that peaked with the Shang Yang fervor of the early 1970s. The present article takes over where she ended, further exploring trends in studies of the Book of Lord Shang since the Open-up-and-Reform Era. The paper shows that despite a clear tendency of depoliticization of these studies, scholars are (...)
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  27.  39
    Mo Zi Research in the People's Republic of China: Editors' Introduction.Lee Ting-Mien, Annick Gijsbers & Carine Defoort - 2011 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 42 (4):3-11.
    One of the Mozi research centers outside of China is at the K.U. Leuven in Belgium. The two papers translated and published in this issue were first presented at a workshop that was held there in June 2009: "The Many Faces of Mozi: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study of Mohist Thought.".
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  28.  36
    Free as a Bird: Varro De Re Rustica 3.Carin M. C. Green - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):427-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Free as a Bird: Varro De Re Rustica 3C. M. C. GreenMarcus terentius varro is a most difficult writer to assess. The very high regard in which he was held by the greatest writers of his—or any—time is supported by a fragmentary structure made up of a mass of tantalizing titles, excerpts, and allusions gathered from later authors, the reflection of his Res Divinae in Augustine, the extant books (...)
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  29. Traditions and tendencies: A reply to Carine Defoort.Rein Raud - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):661-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Traditions and Tendencies:A Reply to Carine DefoortRein RaudIn 1899 William Aston, a British diplomat, published the first overall history of Japanese literature in English. In it, Japanese poetry is characterized as follows:Narrow in its scope and resources, it is chiefly remarkable for its limitations-for what it has not, rather than what it has.... Indeed, narrative poems of any kind are short and very few, the only ones which (...)
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  30. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He wanted to become a systematic hermeneutics, (...)
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  31.  24
    The Rational American and the Inscrutable Oriental as Seen from the Perspective of a Puzzled European: A Review (And Response) in Three Stereotypes: A Reply to Carine Defoort.R. P. Peerenboom - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (2):368 - 379.
  32. Critical notice.Review author[S.]: Kit Fine - 1975 - Mind 84 (335):451-458.
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    Author's response.Review author[S.]: Philip S. Kitcher - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):653-673.
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  34. Propensities and probabilities.Review author[S.]: Henry E. Kyberg - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):358-375.
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    Critical notice.Review author[S.]: Crispin Wright - 1989 - Mind 98 (390):289-305.
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  36. Critical notice.Review author[S.]: P. T. Geach - 1976 - Mind 85 (339):436-449.
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  37.  53
    Human morality's authority.Review author[S.]: Stephen Darwall - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (4):941-948.
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  38.  85
    Responses to critics of the construction of social reality.Review author[S.]: John R. Searle - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):449-458.
  39.  63
    (1 other version)Critical notice.Review author[S.]: P. F. Strawson - 1954 - Mind 63 (249):70-99.
  40.  23
    Reply to reviewers.Review author[S.]: Fred Dretske - 1990 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (4):819-839.
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    Who makes the rules around here?Review author[S.]: Gideon Rosen - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (1):163-171.
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  42. The identification problem and the inference problem.Review author[S.]: D. M. Armstrong - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):421-422.
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  43.  56
    Review essays: Recent work on Hegel: The rehabilitation of an epistemologist?Review Author[S.]: Karl Ameriks - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (1):177-202.
  44.  79
    Review essays: Psychoanalysis: Past, present, and future.Review author[S.]: Edward Erwin - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (3):671-696.
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    Reply to reviewers.Review author[S.]: Jonathan Bennett - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (3):647-662.
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    Replies.Review author[S.]: Robert Brandom - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (1):189-204.
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    Critical notice.Review author[S.]: D. C. Dennett - 1977 - Mind 86 (342):265-280.
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  48.  73
    The fragmentation of reason: Précis of two chapters.Review Author[S.]: Stephen P. Stich - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (1):179-183.
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    Response to commentators.Review author[S.]: Crispin Wright - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (4):911-941.
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  50.  50
    Response to the review by Edward Slingerland.Review author[S.]: E. Bruce Brooks & A. Taeko Brooks - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (1):141-146.
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